Friday, August 27, 2010

Nikos Vertis "I'm a little gamin in my relationships"

The famous singer Nikos Vertis spoke to the newspaper ''Thema People'' for the crisis that exists in the nightclubs, the relationships he had in the past, his friendship with Antonis Remos (a famous greek singer) and revealed that he'll be awayfrom the nightlife for a year

Nikos Vertis talked about the economic crisis that hit the entertainment. "The clubs that have been open are measured in one hand. I think to blame the economic crisis, people are afraid and to give money must be spent well, something not so easy''.

Why Nikos Vertis doesn't want to collaborate with other artists? ''I think it is very difficult partnerships and also I want to have good relations with my colleagues. The partnership is like a relationship. To coexist and match is difficult. On stage I can not be fake. When I do not feel well I let it show. When I'm alone I'll change the program into ballads and love it. I will not have the obligation to have a colleague and follow the program'' he said.
The popular singer talked about his best friend Antonis Remos and stated that there is no competition between them. ''It's a different thing the job, and a wholly different the friendship. With Anthony we're best friends. And we say each other's opinion about work, naturally. Besides, eveyone is welcome. Anthony is one thing, I another, and each artist has his own style. But I do not think there is a competition.''
Nikos Vertis talked about the negative impact that the media have on the friendship. "Our friendship is greatly spoiled rather made by the publicity. I do not like to be photographed, Anthony has no problem - he is more relaxed", he said, referring to photographs from magazines that showed them sharing their holidays at the island of winds.

Obviously annoyed from the photos of magazines, said: '' A month and a half ago, I was in Mykonos, and i went to the Psarou beach with my friends - something i wouldn't think about three years ago. But I went to this beach because i like it. I won't deny it that when I saw myself in magazines I regretted it. Better be hooted for my music than be praised for my body.''
This winter, the famous singer will not be at a nightclub. "I won't work in Athens. I want to stop for a year because I want to prepare my new album. Also, because I sing continuously 13 years now,I think I need to get rest, and so the audience,'' he said.
Finally he spoke about the women of his life. ''I've had only three permanent relationships in my life. I had a relationship of 7.5 years and we broke up four years ago. You didn't see a picture of us together. Sincethen, I had my adventures, but nothing permanent. I would not deny that I'm a little gamin in my relationships,'' he said.

As taken from! Thank you!

Well, i bet he can't be hooted for his body... That's for sure :P

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